Singing Guide: Justin Bieber ft. Daniel Caesar & Giveon

Singing Guide: Justin Bieber ft. Daniel Caesar & Giveon

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning to sing like Justin Bieber, Daniel Caesar, and Giveon on "Peaches" is a great challenge for anyone interested in pop music. This song showcases the unique timbre of the three singers against a smooth, soulful background. In this article, we will analyze the main techniques used by Justin Bieber, Daniel Caesar, and Giveon in the song. We will also provide practical advice and relevant resources from Singing Carrots.

Justin Bieber's part in "Peaches" showcases his signature smooth tone and impressive high register. He utilizes a mix of head voice and falsetto throughout the song to convey emotion and emphasize certain phrases. A good exercise for achieving a similar smooth tone is the lip trill exercise, which can be found in Singing Carrots’ breath support article. To train head voice and falsetto, you can use Singing Carrots’ pitch training game or pitch accuracy test.

Daniel Caesar's part in "Peaches" features his unique, soulful vibrato. He uses his vibrato to add emotional depth to certain words and phrases. Singers can practice vibrato using Singing Carrots’ vibrato or breath support exercises.

Giveon's part in "Peaches" highlights his rich, deep voice. He uses a mix of chest voice and falsetto to create a unique texture. A good exercise for training chest voice is the singing comfort zone video from Singing Carrots’ resources. The sustain vocal video is also useful for improving vocal endurance and strength.

One of the most important aspects of "Peaches" is the vocal blend the three singers achieve. Singers can practice blending their voices by learning harmonization skills, and Singing Carrots’ search songs tool can help you find songs that match your vocal range and style preference.

In summary, learning to sing like Justin Bieber, Daniel Caesar, and Giveon on "Peaches" requires a mix of head voice, falsetto, vibrato, and chest voice techniques. Singing Carrots’ resources provide a wealth of exercises and tools to help you improve each of these skills and explore your own vocal style. Happy singing!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.